Our Curriculum
Iver Village Infant Academy follows the National Curriculum.
We strive for excellence in learning and want all our pupils to be successful learners via our broad and balance, contextualised curriculum. We are always searching for new and innovative ways to make learning more exciting and base all our learning around a 'hook' is a way to engage our learning and develop their language through real-life experience, thereby making it purposeful and intentional. We want everyone at Iver Village Infants to enjoy the sense of adventure learning brings and to discover how learning changes lives.
We want pupils to be talking about their learning and asking questions which shape the learning in their class. We want pupils to persevere, and reflect on learning, to go back and improve their work.
We have high expectations of ourselves and all our learners. We encourage pupils and staff to be problem solvers with a ‘can do’ attitude. We make use of our location so that pupils experience and feel part of our wonderfully diverse community. We enable our pupils to understand they are citizens of a wider global community too, with a resounding responsibility for our planet the protection of individuality and equality. We make sure our school is an inclusive, stimulating environment that reflects and celebrates our creative learning.
At Iver Village Infant Academy we seek to foster a strong work ethic and motivate our children through praise for effort and genuine achievement. We take account of effective traditional teaching methods and the latest research into how children learn, for example, different learning styles and the use of brain gym and music to stimulate the brain. We know that children are better able to fulfil their potential when their emotional health and well-being are promoted and we consider these aspects very important.
Please find out more about what the year groups are learning by clicking on the year group of interest to the right of this page. Also please feel free to talk to one of our staff who will be more than happy to discuss the curriculum.