KS1 - Year 2
Vision and Aims
The purpose of Year Two at Iver Village Infant school is to equip our children with the academic and personal skills necessary to flourish in Key Stage Two. We tailor our curriculum to the interests of the children and aim to support them to develop inquisitive minds and a love of lifelong learning.
By the end of Year Two, our aim is that all pupils will:
- Read fluently, using inference and deduction to demonstrate understanding
- Write a variety of text types independently
- Ask and answer questions using a wide and technical vocabulary
- Secure a command of the four operations in mathematics, using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations
- Develop resilience and persist with tasks that they find challenging
- Show independence in social settings, building positive relationships with friends
Class Structure
In Year two, we have two classes, Oak and Beech. Each class has a class teacher and a teaching assistant.
In all areas of the curriculum, we build on skills that are developed in Year One, as well as learning new ones.
Our Creative Curriculum encompasses areas such as History, Geography and Art and Design. It’s a knowledge and skills-based curriculum with a creative edge and is based on a theme. Please see the topic themes that the children will be enjoying throughout the year: