Iver Village

BehavioUr for Learning

We recognise that children need to be ready to learn to maximise their progress, which is why we place great emphasis on ensuring that children feel secure and happy from day one. At Iver Village Infant School we have a consistent whole school approach to behaviour for learning. This leads to promoting the positive behaviour that we expect. We encourage all children to use words and actions which help everyone to feel safe, learn and be happy.

It is the responsibility of all adults to promote this policy throughout everything they do.

 As a school community, we aim to enable all children to:

  • achieve their full potential by providing a calm, predictable learning environment and supporting positive behaviour for learning
  • relax and have fun at playtime. We provide opportunities to participate in a range of activities and promote their social development and relationships
  • acquire the values, personal qualities, attitudes and skills that will help children to reach their potential.  All children are encouraged to make a positive contribution to the life of the school and wider community, and achieve success in later life
  • develop their capacity to prevent and resolve difficulties with learning and relationships and so avoid patterns of unhelpful behaviour from developing

 Our Five School Values

We have five school values, which reflect the ethos of the school, and are promoted during the school day, including in assemblies, lessons, and at playtimes.

Our values are:

  • Co-operation
  • Happiness
  • Individuality
  • Learning
  • Determination

With clear boundaries for behaviour through our ‘golden rules’ and consistent but fair consequences, children understand the parameters and feel safe in school. We nurture good behaviour through building relationships with children and engaging them in exciting learning experiences that respect individuals and build self-esteem.